4 Healthy Benefits of Sprouted Nuts & Seeds

If you’re looking to live a healthier lifestyle, Healthy Truth is always there. We are passionate about helping our customers maintain a healthy lifestyle with healthy, delicious snacks. If you’re looking for some new snacks to add to your diet, we recommend sprouted nuts and seeds. Sprouted nuts and seeds are full of nutrients and packed with flavor. Read on to learn a few of our favorite benefits of adding sprouted nuts and seeds to your diet.

4 Benefits of Sprouted Nuts & Seeds - Infographic

various nuts in bowls

Easier to Digest 

One of the biggest benefits of sprouted nuts is that they are easier to break down in the digestive tract. This leads to the nutrients in the nuts being absorbed faster and more efficiently. This also means they are often easier on the stomach and GI tract. 

walnuts close up

Fewer Anti-Nutrients 

Another major benefit of sprouted nuts is that there are fewer anti-nutrients present in them. Anti-nutrients show up naturally in nuts and seeds and interfere with digestion. By allowing the nuts to sprout, fewer of them become present. 


Less Phytic Acid

Phytic acid is one of the most prevalent anti-nutrients and is present in almost every plant-based food. It will often work to prevent the proper absorption of minerals. Consuming too much of it may lead to a mineral deficiency. Fortunately, sprouted nuts contain less phytic acid. 

mixed nuts

Increased Nutrients

The biggest benefit to sprouted nuts, in our opinion, is the increased amount of nutrients. Sprouted nuts are higher in vitamins C, B and carotene. Aside from being just as tasty, sprouted nuts are better for you. 

Sprouted nuts and seeds are an incredible snack, packed with nutrients and super tasty. If you want to live a healthier lifestyle, add some to your diet. Get yours today from Healthy Truth. Don’t wait. Order your nuts today!