These Are the 6 Foods You Should Be Eating For A Healthy Heart

Most deaths in the United States occur due to heart-related conditions. It’s not only about the United States, though, because heart disease also affects the whole world. According to an estimate, about 17.9 million people die every year from heart-related conditions worldwide. People with heart diseases may commonly have an increased level of lipids, blood pressure, and glucose.

Science has shown that people who are overweight and or obese are more susceptible to heart-related diseases. The cardiovascular disease contains multiple heart health conditions including:

  • Blocked blood vessels
  • Hardened (Arterial stiffness) or narrowed blood vessels (coronary artery disease)
  • Heart rhythm problem called arrhythmias
  • Heart muscle problem or weak heart muscles
  • Heart valve problem etc.

A person with a heart health condition may feel short breathing, chest pain with chest discomfort, pain in upper abdomen, neck, throat, and jaw. Weakness, coldness in the arms or legs, and numbness are also the symptoms of heart health conditions.

There are a lot of everyday things that affect your cardiovascular health such as physical inactivity, excess use of alcoholic drinks, smoking, and most importantly, an unhealthy diet. You can take several steps to control your heart health conditions. It’s important to figure out the best diet for heart health. Here’s some information to help you make your decision.

The Role of Cholesterol and Heart Health

There’s a lot of information about cholesterol and whether it’s a negative substance in our body. It is true that cholesterol is bad for our heart health. But on the other side, our body needs cholesterol in an adequate amount to survive. It’s worth knowing a little about cholesterol to avoid all rumors and achieve the proper intake of good cholesterol through healthy dieting.

Truthfully, cholesterol is a sterol synthesized by the liver. Cholesterol is an important factor in producing sex hormones, bile in the liver, and in constructing human tissues (building blocks in the cell membrane).

In general, cholesterol can’t move unaided in our circulation, and it’s divided into two main types: LDL and HDL. LDL (low-density lipoprotein) is the lipoprotein that contains an enormous amount of cholesterol. Being richer in cholesterol, these lipoproteins deliver cholesterol to our tissues more than our body needs. This excess cholesterol starts accumulating in our arteries. The accumulation of plaque is linked with clogged arteries and other heart health conditions.

HDL is the high-density lipoprotein and is considered healthy cholesterol as it removes excess cholesterol from our bloodstream and prevents the risks of heart health problems. HDL collects cholesterol from our bloodstream and the walls of arteries and take it to our liver.

Foods play a vital role in controlling and reducing the risks of heart health problems. There are several foods that improve HDL level in circulation such as:

  • Legumes
  • Beans
  • Olive oil
  • Whole grains
  • Fruits rich in fiber
  • Fatty fish
  • Flax seeds
  • Nuts
  • Chia seeds
  • Avocado

The Role of Foods and Our Heart Health

Diet matters a lot in improving our health, and a good diet contains a sufficient amount of all essential nutrients like proteins, fats, carbs, minerals, and vitamins, etc. Whole foods are not only a natural source of energy but also keep our body safe from many dangerous health conditions.

Our heart health is most important for us nowadays as it’s becoming an alarming situation worldwide. Foods that contain natural nutrients and lack refined salt and sugar can aid in fighting against heart health issues.

Here are some most important foods that improve your heart health and reduce the risks of heart diseases.

Dark Chocolate

Not only is it delicious but chocolate can be an excellent source to fight against heart health conditions. Dark chocolate (70 percent cocoa butter and a small amount of other substances) is rich with flavonoids (antioxidants) that help in reducing the risks of solidified plaque accumulation in arteries. You can try organic raw dark chocolate covered coconut chips from Healthy Truth!

Olive Oil

An extract of the fruit of the olive tree, olive oil is a natural oil used often in cooking and is an essential part of the Mediterranean diet. Natural olive oil is an amazing source of very healthy fats with an enormous amount of antioxidants and monounsaturated fatty acids that prevent inflammation and improves cardiovascular health. It is medically observed that olive oil minimizes the risks of chronic diseases and other health conditions related to the heart by lowering high-blood pressure.

In most of the cuisines and other side dishes like salads, olive oil is drizzled to enhance their taste and to take benefit of its heart-healthy properties.

Green Tea

An ancient extract that contains a large amount of heart-friendly antioxidants that remove low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and also regulate blood pressure. Comprising polyphenols and catechins, green tea extract helps improving heart health. It cuts down the risks of diastolic and systolic blood pressure that cause heart health conditions.

Nuts and Seeds

Being a good source of omega-3 fatty acid and fiber, seeds play a vital role in improving heart health by reducing blood pressure and inflammation. Besides improving heart health, seeds are also vital in reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure and other heart diseases.

Packed with super healthy protein, fiber, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and heart-healthy fats, nuts are amazing option for improving your heart health. Most of the nuts comprise of omega-3 fatty acids that make them good for our heart health as they help reduce bad cholesterol and keep circulation at its good. Try a variety of organic nuts and seeds from Healthy Truth!

Leafy Green Vegetables

Going green is a wise decision in improving heart health and reducing the risks of different heart health conditions. Broccoli, kale, spinach, and bok choy are the vegetables loaded with minerals, antioxidants, vitamin A, C, and K. According to different studies, leafy greens are loaded with dietary nitrates that help in reducing high blood pressure and hardening of arteries.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are the most imperative part of a heart-healthy diet. They’re packed with a high amount of healthy fibers that help decrease in bad cholesterol LDL and keep the body from heart health problems. Dietary fibers found in whole grains like wheat, oats, rye, barley, quinoa, and brown rice help reduce high blood pressure and also remove low-density lipoprotein from circulation.

Final Thoughts

Following a heart-friendly diet or choosing heart-healthy foods doesn’t have to be hard. In addition to a healthy diet, take a look at your rest and exercise. If you already have any heart problems, talk to your doctor first and incorporate these heart-healthy foods with your treatment plan to boost the results.