Immunity Series: Part 2 – Sprouted Almonds

What is the immune system and how does it function? The immune system works to identify foreign materials (antigens) and remove them by generating antibodies. If the immune system detects that antigen again, the antibodies it generated are ready to act.

Polyphenols and Immunity

Polyphenols are a category of compounds naturally found in plant foods such as almonds.  They are thought to possess antioxidant qualities that may help you stay healthy and ward off illnesses.  Polyphenols are thought to lower blood sugar levels, lower your risk of heart disease, prevent blood clots, protect against cancer, promote healthy digestion, promote brain function, and help fight infections. In addition to almonds, polyphenols are found in vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, herbs and spices, and dark chocolate.


Almonds are easy to find. Sprouted almonds, however, are not so easy.  

Vitamin E

Almonds are very high in Vitamin E which acts as an antioxidant in your body and helps the immune system function.  The healthy fats in almonds help the body absorb Vitamin E,  assisting the immune system in fighting off invading bacteria.  Almonds also contain iron and protein that are essential for immune system functioning.  

Almonds and Preventing Heart Disease

According to the CDC, over 600,000 deaths are related to heart disease each year, which accounts for 25% of total US annual death. By consuming 12-15 almonds a day, you can maintain good cholesterol (HDL) and help prevent heart disease.  

Almond Skin

Almond skin contains high amounts of polyphenols. Sprouted almonds preserve the almond skin extracts to help maintain the greatest antioxidant capacity.  

Our Sprouted Almond Products

  • Sprouted Pizza Almonds
    • Healthy Truth Pizza Almonds are soaked and dried to wash away naturally occurring toxins and anti-nutrients so you can get the maximum concentration of vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, and antioxidants from your sprouted almonds.  We use sundried tomatoes, herbs, and spices to create an incomparable immune-boosting pizza flavor unlike any other.
  • Sprouted Salt & Vinegar Almonds

Eat your almonds for boosted immunity! Shop all of our immune-boosting sprouted almonds from Healthy Truth today!