Immunity Series: Part 6 – Protein Blends for Immunity

All proteins are not created equally.  Protein sources are generally measured by assessing the amino acid composition, digestibility, and bioavailability (absorption by the human body).  

Protein and Immunity

Protein is vital to build and repair body tissue and fight viral and bacterial infections, whether you are an avid athlete or just a human being.  Immune system powerhouses such as antibodies and immune system cells rely on protein. Too little protein in the diet may lead to weakness, fatigue, apathy, and poor immunity.  

The Scoop on Protein Powders

Athletes and humans overall need to strive for complete protein blends for immunity.  A complete protein is one that contains all the essential amino acids.  Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and the more complete, the easier it is for the body to assimilate and turn it into lean muscle tissue. Essential Amino Acids (EAAs) are those that are not manufactured by the human body and thus we must get them from outside sources.  

Whey Protein

You may say NO WHEY but here is the truth. Whey is derived from dairy. It is a mixture that is isolated from the liquid waste product of cheese production — formed once the milk has been separated into curd (solid) and whey (liquid). The whey is then heat dried (processed) to form whey powder.

Brown Rice Protein

Brown rice protein is sourced from whole, sprouted rice grains. Sprouting eliminates any anti-nutrients (substances that prevent assimilation of nutrients) commonly associated with grains, such as phytic acid. Once sprouted, the protein is gently extracted (separating the starch from the protein with an enzyme) from the whole grain.  

Pea Protein 

Pea protein is gaining recognition but by itself is deficient in one amino acid, methionine, which is crucial for cell functioning. Pea protein is high in Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) which decrease muscle breakdown after workouts. Pea has also been shown to lower blood pressure and a study in the 2015 Journal of International Society of Sports Nutrition, showed that large amounts of l-arginine found in pea protein help build and maintain lean muscle.

Sacha Inchi

Sacha inchi protein comes from a seed that is found in the Amazon rainforest. The seeds are cold-pressed to remove their oil leaving behind 5-10% beneficial fats in the protein. The result is an easily digestible protein powder containing all nine essential amino acids, fiber, nutrients for electrolyte balance, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants.  

Our Protein Blends for Immunity

  • Healthy Truth Go Pro
    • Healthy Truth Go Pro is a perfect blend of brown rice, pea, and sacha inchi proteins and is one of the most well-rounded, complete, allergen-free protein sources available on the market. We add ashwagandha and maca (adaptogens to help the body cope with stress and fight off viruses and bacteria), and inulin (a non-digestible prebiotic that creates good bacteria in the gut for optimal digestion and gut health).  

Discover more about our protein blends for immunity by shopping online from Healthy Truth today!