Is Whey Protein Bad For You?

Protein is a major macronutrient our body needs to survive and it’s particularly important to help the body recover after a tough workout and build lean muscle. Many people reach for a protein shake after they come home from the gym and whey protein has become one of the more popular choices today. However, more people are asking about the dangers of whey protein. Is it actually good for you? Are there downsides to consuming whey protein regularly? We’re here to answer all your questions.

Adding a couple scoops of whey protein to your blender may seem easy and safe, but there’s much more to it. Whey is the watery portion of milk that separates from the curds when making cheese and that’s where whey protein is processed from. Sounds kind of gross, right? Whey protein is a mixture of beta-lactoglobulin, alpha lactalbumin, bovine serum albumin, and immunoglobins. Whey protein may settle in the body well for some people, but many end up facing some negative benefits from consuming it regularly. Here are four consequences that can come from consuming whey protein too often.

Indigestion and Gut Issues

It’s proven that about 65 percent of adults around the world lack the enzyme to properly break down lactose in the body. Those of us who fall into this category will likely experience bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, and even diarrhea from whey protein, because not only is it a dairy product at the end of the day, but it’s highly processed, which is essentially a double whammy. Stomach issues will make it harder to absorb all the nutrients and amino acids you’re supposed to get from protein powder.

Excess Sugar and Calorie Intake

Whey protein powders are usually packed with excess sugar and preservatives, which will equal extra calories your body doesn’t need. The packaging makes the product seem healthy and wholesome, but the truth is, you’re adding foreign ingredients into your body, and the excess calories will outdo all your hard work, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. These kinds of ingredients are generally added to make the product taste better so people come back and purchase more. However, it’s more than possible to get a healthy protein powder that is just as good for you as it is tasty.

Headaches and Fatigue

When you consume large amounts of processed food like whey protein, you’re bound to experience negative side effects like headaches and exhaustion. These will make it harder for you to get through your day, eat healthy, and exercise regularly. When people experience fatigue they often tend to overeat as well because they’re trying to find a way to give themselves some extra energy. If you’re trying to lose weight, this calorie surplus will set you back.


Multiple studies have suggested that dairy products are linked to acne. Therefore, it’s not surprising that whey protein has been associated with acne, although there isn’t a great deal of evidence proving that whey protein will definitely cause breakouts. Many experts warn that if you’ve had problems in the past with dairy and acne, you should steer clear of whey protein in order to maintain clear skin.

The Final Word

Your best bet is to steer clear of whey protein at all costs. Plant-based protein is a much better option for your health. Healthy Truth has got you covered! Our GO PRO Protein Powder Blend is made with brown rice protein powder, sacha inchi protein powder and pea protein powder. It has 20 grams of clean, wholesome protein per serving for only 150 calories. Additionally, you can grab a quick handful of protein with our Vanilla Protein Energy Bar for 14 grams of protein and 270 calories. Our products aren’t only nutrient-dense and made with the most conscious, trustworthy ingredients, but they’re delicious too, so you’ll always be happy with the result!