What Are The Benefits of Antioxidants?

The term “antioxidant” doesn’t actually refer to a particular substance…it’s more of a trait that many hundreds or thousands of substances can have.  Calling something an “antioxidant” means it’s a fighter of “free radicals.” More specifically, it’s an electron-giver.

Kind of like a firefighter, an antioxidant goes around putting out fires caused by greedy, harmful chemicals in your body that are missing electrons (“free radicals”).  Instead of water, antioxidants give away extra electrons to neutralize the threat.

Electron-grabbing free radicals are harmful because they steal electrons from nearby substances and create “oxidative stress” in your body.  Antioxidants like vitamins C, vitamin E, and beta carotene work to prevent that.

What are the Benefits of Antioxidants?

Oxidative stress is bad.  Too many free radicals ransacking the electrons from your body will lead to unhealthy cells, damaged DNA, and eventually harmful conditions like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and other and chronic illnesses.

So what are the benefits of antioxidants? Your body uses the antioxidants commonly found in plant-based, whole foods to ward off these threats and maintain healthy cells.  This is one of the many reasons a plant-based diet has so many benefits for overall health and wellness. A diet rich in antioxidants boosts your immune system, reduces your risk of chronic diseases, and protects your body from cell damage and premature aging.

The Best Sources of Antioxidants

Lots of common foods are rich in antioxidants: berries, green tea, dark chocolate, coffee, red wine; the list goes on.

Unfortunately—for many folks who live by a typical Western diet—coffee is often the largest single source of antioxidants we consume.  This is because the average individual in our culture doesn’t eat enough fruits and vegetables (the best sources of these life-preserving compounds).

We really should be eating more antioxidant-rich plant-based foods like:

  • Berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc.)
  • Citrus fruits
  • Dark leafy greens (kale, spinach, chard, etc.)
  • Coconut water
  • Pecans
  • Beets
  • Beans (black, kidney, pinto, etc.)
  • Apples
  • Russet potatoes
  • Cooking spices (ginger, pepper, paprika, garlic, basil, etc.)

A few fruits go above and beyond as truly extraordinary sources of antioxidants.  Sometimes called “superfoods” or “superfruits,” these include options like:

  • Goji berries
  • Baobab fruit
  • Camu camu berries
  • Maqui berries
  • Acerola cherries
  • Mangosteen fruit
  • Acai berries

How to Get More Antioxidants in Your Diet

Easy!  Eat more fruits and vegetables.  We know, we know…this is easier said than done, right?

It can take a lot of time and money to constantly shop for fresh vegetables and fruits—maybe even daily—for a steady stream of plant-based snacks, meals, salads, juices, and smoothies. What are the benefits of antioxidants in your lifestyle, really, if they’re tough to find (how do you even pronounce “baobab?”) or require you to go out of your way all the time?

Another simple way to add more antioxidants is by supplementing.  A plant-based powder blend can give you all the benefits of antioxidants in one easy to add ingredient.  Scoop and mix an antioxidant-rich superfruit powder to any drink or dish you like: cereal, parfaits, smoothie bowls, yogurts, fruit juices…you name it.

At Healthy Truth, we formulated our delicious GO RED Antioxidant Juice Powder Blend for exactly this reason.  It’s got all of the superfoods listed above, plus eight more—for 15 in all—in every single scoop.  You’ll instantly turn any snack, meal, or superfruit smoothie into a sweet and fruity treat, without any added sugars and less than 5g of carbs per serving.  And best of all, you’ll be loading up on antioxidants that boost your natural immunities, repair your cells, and keep your body feeling great!